The Department of Spanish and Portuguese studies offers a variety of opportunities for undergraduate study and degrees.

Degrees offered
- Minor in Spanish
- Major in Spanish*
- Minor in Portuguese
- Major in Portuguese*
- Certificate in Spanish for the Professions
* For information on the Academic Learning Compact for Spanish and Portuguese majors, please see this page.
- SPS proudly participates in the new Certificate in Translation Studies! Please speak with Dr. Antonio Sajid López if you are interested in working in Spanish or Portuguese as part of this Certificate.
Additional programs
- Lower Division Portuguese Language (POR 1130, 1131, 3010)
- Lower Division Spanish Language (SPN 1130, 1131, 1134, 2200, 2201, 2240)
- Spanish Grammar and Composition courses (SPN 3300, 3301)
- Heritage Spanish speaker courses (SPN 2340, 3350, 4314)
- Catalan language and culture courses(offered occasionally)