Spanish offers an 18-credit minor. View the pdf version of the Spanish Minor handout.

Credits are earned for SPN 2240 or SPN 2340 and all 3000- and 4000-level courses. At least three credits must be at the 4000 level. A minimum of nine credits must be completed at UF, including the three credits at the 4000 level. Minors must earn Cs or better in all courses; S grades do not count toward the minor. No more than three credits of courses with a 4905 number may be applied to the minor. Consult the course descriptions section of the catalog for prerequisites.
Overseas Study
Candidates for a major or a minor in Spanish are strongly encouraged to spend a summer, a semester or an academic year in Spain or Spanish America. Interested students should contact the department or the UF International Center in 123 Grinter Hall. Study abroad program information and courses should be submitted to the undergraduate coordinator in advance of any study abroad for UF credit. Students who participate in approved overseas study programs can earn up to 15 credits beyond those required for the degree. Moreover, courses taken in a pre-approved UF study abroad program can be applied toward the six-hour international studies and diversity requirement, if approved by an adviser.
General Education
Certain courses satisfy requirements for humanities (H), international/diversity (I) and composition (C). Many of these courses also qualify for Gordon Rule. Classes with SPT prefixes are taught in English and use texts translated into English.
Applied Foreign Language (FLAC or Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum) Courses
Students who have studied five semesters of Spanish or who have equivalent fluency may enroll in 1-credit Spanish discussion sections that accompany selected Latin American studies courses in anthropology, art, business, philosophy, sociology and religion, etc. These courses count toward the Spanish major and minor. A maximum of three such courses may be credited toward the major or minor. Refer to the course listing for SPN 3224.
Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Languages courses. Students who plan to continue the study of a language begun in high school or any other college must present SAT II, IB or AP language score(s) before registering at the appropriate level. Students should consult the Schedule of Courses or the Academic Advising section of this catalog to choose the appropriate course level.
If the student has taken none of these examinations, arrangements should be made to take the SAT II on campus.
Students with any prior study of Spanish may NOT enroll in Beginning Spanish (SPN 1130 or SPN 1131). Students with prior study of Spanish but insufficient preparation to place into intermediate level courses (e.g., SPN 2200, SPN 2201, SPN 2240) may enroll in SPN 1134, Accelerated Spanish Review.
Any student who has lived in a Spanish-speaking country for more than a year or who has significant Spanish-speaking experience at home or in a community must consult the undergraduate adviser in Spanish before enrolling in any SPN advanced language, literature and culture courses.
Please read carefully the prerequisites for all courses listed and see the undergraduate coordinator or the coordinator for the Lower Division Spanish Program to discuss any placement issues. NOTE: Read the Academic Advising section of this catalog regarding the Gordon Rule communication and computation requirement. Many general education courses qualify; check the schedule of courses. Six general education credits must be international/diversity (I).