María Victoria Muñoz publishes book ‘Elefantes y rascacielos: tradición e innovación en la poesía de E. E. Cummings’

Elefantes y rascacielos analyzes and verifies the two strands of inspiration — tradition and innovation — by examining selected poems from E. E. Cummings: Complete Poems. This dichotomy has been studied by specialists, several of whom have been consigned in Chapter 2, to complement and enrich the reading by those interested in learning about Cummings’ literary work. The reader will observe in the development of this book that Cummings’ classical training undoubtedly contributed to his aesthetic vision, though perhaps not to his writing style.

The official presentation was held on Nov. 26, 2020, as part of the “Ciclo de Charlas con Autores y Autoras de la FFyL.” The interview was coordinated by Lic. Ariana Gómez, the director of the Library Liliana Bodoc, and Dr. Marcela Raggio, director of the English Department of the FFyL.
The book can be downloaded free of charge from the UNCuyo FFyL Open Access Books Microsite:
Greity González Rivera at the University of North Carolina

The presentation focused on exposing the current situation of the publishing industry in the framework of 21st-century neoliberalism, specifically how the emergence and rise of large publishing groups have changed the landscape of this industry in Latin America. González Rivera presented a historical panorama from the Latin American boom to the present, revealing how the figures of the writer, the reader, the editor and all those who are part of this world have undergone significant changes in terms of their perception.