Dear students, alumni, and friends of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies,

We are wrapping up another academic year full of accomplishments by our undergraduate and graduate students as well as our faculty, all of whom were recognized during the SPS Awards Ceremony on April 25th. In addition to a selection of those achievements, the various sections in this Newsletter include poems by students enrolled in Dr. Jordán’s Creative Writing course; highlights of two oral history projects related to our experiential learning program, coordinated by Dr. López, and the professional preparedness workshop for graduate students organized by Dr. Puscama; plus the profiles of an outstanding undergraduate student who is about to start a PhD at Georgetown University, an alumna’s involvement with the Peace Corps, and the coordinator of outreach at the Florida Museum, where the first bilingual permanent exhibit—Water Shapes Florida/El agua moldea la Florida—opened recently.
I wish you a productive and relaxing summer term. We will be back in the fall to share more inspiring stories about our commitment to the research, teaching, and public service related to the Spanish and Portuguese languages, literatures, and cultures.
Saludos cordiales / cordiais saudações,
Luis Álvarez-Castro