The Spanish and Portuguese internship program continues to grow. This semester five students participated in internships on and off campus.

Under the supervision of Prof. Andréa Ferreira, Victoria Chabane worked at AcheiUSA, the largest newspaper and website for the Brazilian community in Florida since 2000.
To explore some of the columns our student has written, see:

In the Spanish program, Faith Williams collaborated in a clinical center, conducting surveys for an investigation on Chagas disease in the Hispanic communities of Alachua. The principal investigator is Norman Beatty, and the coordinator of the investigation is Rodrigo Alcalá.

Under the supervision of Ms. Betsey Culpepper, Paul Corbilla worked at the Grace Medical Home reception in Orlando, helping Hispanic families and patients. In the words of Ms. Culpepper, “He is a joy and a big help to our mostly Hispanic patient population!”

In addition, Michael Karapetian and Sienna Strong-Jones worked at UF Environmental Health & Safety. Under the supervision of Lab Safety Program Manager Mrs. Cindy Mercado and Dr. Antonio Sajid López Méndez, they translated signs and protocols for laboratories on campus into Spanish.