Spanish and Portuguese faculty and staff were recently recognized for their contributions.
CLAS Teaching and Advising Awards
The University of Florida recognizes its outstanding teachers and advisors from throughout the campus by awarding Teaching/Advising Awards, which are available to all colleges offering undergraduate instruction. These awards are to encourage and reward excellence, innovation and effectiveness in either teaching or advising.
This year, two members of our faculty received these prestigious awards: Dr. Diego Pascual y Cabo and Dr. Crystal Marull.
Congratulations on such a well-deserved recognition!
Superior Accomplishment Award for SPS Office Manager Mrs. Tania Fleming
The Superior Accomplishment Award recognizes staff members who contribute outstanding and meritorious service, efficiency and/or economy to the quality of life provided to students and employees. Recognition by one’s peers is the highest point of achievement. Division-level award recipients receive cash awards of $200 each, then compete for university-level awards, which offer eight $1,000 and eight $2,000 cash awards.
Spanish and Portuguese Studies Office Manager Mrs. Tania Fleming received a Superior Accomplishment Award this year. Thank you, Tania, for your amazing support! Congratulations on this award!