Graduate Student Recognitions
Milestones (*anticipated by end of spring or summer 2020)
- PhD: Paula Fernández-Hernández
- Admission to candidacy: Alberto Fernández-Diego, Greity González, Paola Guerrero Rodríguez, María Hernández González, Nick Judd*, Hernán Rosario, Melany Vergara Suárez
- MA: Nick Campbell, Anthony Cazares Ríos, Clay Hurdle, Máyori Matos-Camacho, Enara Sánchez-Núñez
Travel and Research Awards (External to SPS)
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences travel support: Tania Abella Fernández, Marc Gandarillas, Paola Guerrero Rodríguez, Hamideh Mohammadi, Nancy Pinzón
- Public Humanities Program Grant (Center for Humanities in the Public Sphere, Rothman Endowment): Alejandro Acero Ayuda, Darian Hector
- Penn State Summer Workshop in Research Methods for Applied Linguistics: Alexis Berles
- Delores Auzenne Dissertation Award: Nancy Pinzón (Summer C, Fall 2020)
- Supplemental Retention Award: Hamideh Mohammadi (Summer 2020)
Outstanding Graduate Student
- Literature: Greity González
- Linguistics: Hamideh Mohammadi
SPS Cooperative Leadership in Teaching
- Leire Echevarría Canal
- Marc Gandarillas
Recognition of Students Who Have Trained to Teach Other Populations
- Spanish as a heritage language: Leire Echevarría Canal, Paola Guerrero, Rodríguez, Máyori Matos Camacho and Hernán Rosario
- Teaching Spanish online: María Hernández
UF Graduate Teaching Award
- Paola Guerrero Rodríguez
CES FLAC Course Award
- Paola Guerrero Rodríguez, Nick Judd
Whitney Koonce Memorial Award
- Laura Callahan
Honors Society Initiates
- Phi Lambda Beta: María Paula Varela
Undergraduate Student Recognitions
Hauptman Medals
- Spanish – Kendall Runyan
- Portuguese – Danilo Marin
Recognition of Outstanding Undergraduate Majors
- Samuel Cockey, Riley Freese, Gianne Guevarra, Carolyn Imes, Molly Malaney, Bradley Minotti, E’lysse Santana
Outstanding UF Online Students
- Eric Lehmann, Stephen Griffith, Rebecca Cotton
Honorable Mention
- Lily Murga, Bridget Wildridge, Bryan Perdue
Outstanding Spanish Heritage Student
- Sofia Mingote
Research and Travel Awards
University Scholars
- Nathan Campbell (2020-2021)
Faculty Supervisor: Crystal Marull - Bridget Wildridge (2020-2021)
Faculty Supervisor: Crystal Marull
CLAS Scholars
- Jeffrey Kunath (2020-2021)
Faculty supervisor: Jorge Valdés Kroff
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship (Portugal)
- Danilo Marin
Honors Society Initiates
- Phi Lambda Beta: Yasmin Araújo, Victoria Noisom, Valentina de Queiroz
- Sigma Delta Pi: Bastien Bunker-Santofimia, Arika Carey, Anthony Concepción, Jeffrey Kunath, Katherine Lay, Evelyn Oldham, Samantha Saunders
Phi Beta Kappa Electees
- Samuel Cockey, Rachel Everly, Joshua Fulerton, Gianne Guevarra, Carolyn Imes, Brennah McGrath, Katherine Ngo, Kendall Runyan, E’Lysse Santana