Imanol Suárez-Palma (Assistant Professor, Hispanic Linguistics) is from Asturias, Spain. He obtained his PhD in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of Arizona (May 2019), where he also minored in Linguistics and in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the SLAT interdisciplinary program. His dissertation, “Datives Stuck in the Middle,” explores the interaction between middle-passive constructions and dative arguments in Spanish and other closely-related languages such as Asturian or Catalan.
In addition to formal linguistics, Imanol is interested in language acquisition, bilingualism and additional language instruction. His graduate education also comprises MA degrees in Hispanic Studies (University of Kent, UK) and in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain). When not working on “syntacticky” stuff, he loves exploring new restaurants and happy-hour spots, visiting second-hand book and record stores, cooking, and spending time looking at alligators!