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Introducing Professor Mariana Oliveira: A Journey Through Language and Culture

Professor Mariana.

We are delighted to introduce Professor Mariana, our newest faculty member joining us from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Mariana brings a rich academic background with a BA in Literatures in English from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, an MA, and a PhD in Portuguese from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

With extensive experience in teaching Portuguese, Spanish, and English, Mariana has a true passion for guiding students through the diverse cultural landscape of the Portuguese-speaking world. Her classes are an exploration of literature, politics, folklore, history, and music that define the rich tapestry of cultures from Brazil to Cape Verde.

When not enlightening minds, Mariana can be found bouldering, hiking, reading, or traversing the globe, seeking new experiences and knowledge to bring back to her students.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Mariana as she begins her journey with us. We are excited for the wealth of knowledge and experiences she brings to our community.

View the SPS Newsletter: Fall/Winter 2023